
Friday, 5 February 2016

Photos on iPhone taking up a lot of storage? Here's probably one reason why!

So iPhone has the undoubtedly best mobile camera in the market and people even make a career out of it just by using the iPhone!

Now you may wonder why are the photos taking up lots of storage.Averagely each photo is 2-3mb and double if it's on iPhone 6s with Live Mode enabled. For every photo you've taken and decided to send them to trash, remember to check on the Deleted Photos album right after you've done so and make sure you delete it again from there, doing this, the picture is totally gone and will free up some space.

Well, if you like to keep all the photos as memory and not wanting to delete them use cloud drives! Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, all these are pretty great in storing you photos, and you can easily access them through your phone with apps dedicated or PC/Mac that has access to the web!

Do send me any enquiries and I will do my best to get them resolve!

Have a good day and Happy Chinese New Year.